Yuval Marcus & Martin Schwimmer to Speak on Social Media for WESFACCA
September 8, 2011
New “America Invents Act”: Lots of Changes Coming Your Way
September 17, 2011Karin Segall Appointed Adjunct Professor at Pace Law School

Karin Segall is now an adjunct professor at Pace Law School where she has begun teaching Trademark Practice and Procedure for the fall semester. This is the first time that Pace is offering this course, and it was specifically designed by Professor Segall from scratch. The class combines formal lecture presentations and case analysis with skill-based practice exercises and assignments so that students can apply the theoretical aspects of trademark law to practical situations. In just the first three classes, students have already been introduced to landmark decisions as well as preliminary searching strategies, comprehensive search analysis and the challenges clients face in selecting and clearing an available, enforceable, strong trademark that will also serve their branding goals.