Hoda Rifai-Bashjawish To Speak On Remote Deposition Practice
2021年3月 4日
Peter Sloane And Sarah Sue Landau Write For The Brand Protection Professional
2021年3月 28日Leason Ellis To Sponsor Half-Day IP Program For The ACC

The trademark and copyright laws are changing. To keep you up to date, Leason Ellis is sponsoring a program titled “Recent Changes To The Trademark And Copyright Laws: What You Need To Know” presented by the Association of Corporate Counsel. The program on the morning of Thursday, April 29, 2021, will feature discussions of the Trademark Modernization Act of 2020, the Copyright Alternative in Small Claims Enforcement Act of 2020 (CASE Act), and recent developments with Brexit. Moderated by Yuval Marcus, Lauren Emerson and Matthew Frisbee, the in-house panelists include speakers from Mastercard, PepsiCo and Xerox. See more details.