Peter Sloane Profiled in the Times 100
2009年12月 12日
Leason Ellis Makes List of Top Patent Firms
2009年12月 13日Leason Ellis Joins Association of Patent Law Firms

We are pleased to announce that Leason Ellis has been accepted as a member of the Association of Patent Law Firms. The APLF is an international association of specialty law firms that devote a majority of their practice to patent law, trademark law, and copyright law. The role of the organization is to demonstrate the clear business advantage that is realized by retaining a specialist patent law firm. Edward J. Ellis, a named partner of Leason Ellis, states “[w]e are looking forward to being an active member of the APLF in advancing its mission of ensuring that IP boutique law firms, such as ours, are the preferred choice by clients, corporate in-house decision makers and business owners for all their intellectual property legal matters.”