Westchester County Association Honors Yuval Marcus With Apex Award
2010年12月 28日
Karin Segall to Host INTA Roundtable on Trademark Law in the Fashion and Apparel Industries
2011年1月 13日Karin Segall Authors Article on “Trademark Trolls” in World Trademark Review

Leason Ellis Partner Karin Segall wrote an article titled "Trademark troll fails to obtain preliminary injunction," published in the October 25, 2010 edition WTR Daily, part of World Trademark Review. "Trademark trolls" rely on the fact that it may seem more practical to pay a license than to litigate whether the alleged trademark owner has valid rights. The article details how one company stood up to a trademark troll and prevailed and sheds light on the flimsy and sometimes fraudulent efforts of the purported trademark owner who overstated his rights.