Paul Fields Named to the International Who’s Who of Business Lawyers – Trademark 2010
2010年12月 12日
Leason Ellis Shoots Up in Trademark Rankings
2010年12月 14日District Court Grants Preliminary Injunction Favoring Leason Ellis Client Katalyst Beverage Corporation

Firm client Katalyst Beverage Corporation, manufacturer of the popular Sippin Syrup® line of relaxation drinks, has been awarded a preliminary injunction against defendants Starco Impex Inc. d/b/a Wholesale Outlet, USA Millennium, and M. Tahir Javed in a trademark infringement action. On December 10, 2010, the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey handed down an Opinion and Order enjoining the defendants from manufacturing relaxation drinks under the confusingly similar mark "Sum Syzrrup" and from using a packaging design and style that infringes the trade dress of Sippin Syrup.®