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2022 年 10 月 31 日Rob Isackson Writes 2001-2022 Year in Review for NYIPLA Green Booklet

Each year, the New York Intellectual Property Law Association (NYIPLA) publishes its “Green Booklet,” which summarizes the events and activities of the NYIPLA during the last year, and identifies the current Board Members and standing Committee Co-Chairs. Rob Isackson, the immediate past President of the NYIPLA, had the honor of writing the year in review portion of the Green Brooklet this year. In his look back at the year that was, Rob noted the continued time efficiency with holding virtual meetings and the ardent desire of many to return to in person events, remarking at the more than a thousand people who attended the Annual Dinner in Honor of the Federal Judiciary, and those (fewer in number) who attended the NYIPLA’s Annual Meeting the following May. Rob also gave a review of some of the highlight events presented by the NYIPLA during his term, and encouraged attorneys to join and obtain the benefits of membership. You can find the Green Booklet with his review by clicking the button below.