Elizabeth Barnhard Assists Local Non-Profit in its IP Needs
2021 年 09 月 14 日
U.S. Trademark Trial and Appeal Board Issues Precedential Decision on Dilution
2022 年 01 月 20 日Peter Sloane to Speak on Licensing Issues in Strafford Webinar

Licensing agreements should include key provisions such as payment structure, termination, indemnification, and limitations on liability. Counsel for trademark owners and licensees can effectively structure and negotiate the agreements in their clients' best interests by understanding the essential elements and the common pitfalls. To help guide IP counsel on licensing trademarks, Peter Sloane will speak in an upcoming Strafford live video webinar, “Trademark Licensing: Key Provisions, Practical Considerations to Maximize and Protect the IP” which will be held on Tuesday, October 19th, from 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm EDT. For more information or to register, please see here.